Friday, November 30, 2012
1211.6739 (Masaki Asano et al.)
The 130 GeV gamma-ray line and generic dark matter model building
constraints from continuum gamma rays, radio and antiproton data [PDF]
Masaki Asano, Torsten Bringmann, Gunter Sigl, Martin Vollmann
1211.6740 (Aldo Serenelli et al.)
Using the Standard Solar Model to Constrain Composition and S-Factors [PDF]
Aldo Serenelli, Carlos Pena-Garay, W. C. Haxton1211.6742 (Christoph Mayrhofer et al.)
U(1) symmetries in F-theory GUTs with multiple sections [PDF]
Christoph Mayrhofer, Eran Palti, Timo Weigand1211.6744 (T. Stavreva et al.)
Prompt photon in association with a heavy-quark jet in Pb-Pb collisions
at the LHC [PDF]
T. Stavreva, F. Arleo, I. Schienbein
1211.6753 (Robert Brandenberger et al.)
Trans-Planckian Issues for Inflationary Cosmology [PDF]
Robert Brandenberger, Jerome Martin1211.6773 (M. Wobisch et al.)
A new quantity for studies of dijet azimuthal decorrelations [PDF]
M. Wobisch, K. Chakravarthula, R. Dhullipudi, L. Sawyer, M. Tamsett1211.6774 (Daisuke Jido et al.)
$η^\prime$ meson under partial restoration of chiral symmetry in
nuclear medium [PDF]
Daisuke Jido, Shuntaro Sakai, Hideko Nagahiro, Satoru Hirenzaki, Natsumi Ikeno
1211.6797 (Fatemeh Arbabifar et al.)
Neutral Higgs Bosons in the Higgs Triplet Model with nontrivial mixing [PDF]
Fatemeh Arbabifar, Sahar Bahrami, Mariana Frank1211.6800 (Jiang Ruo-Cheng et al.)
Triple $Z^0$-boson production in large extra dimensions model at ILC [PDF]
Jiang Ruo-Cheng, Li Xiao-Zhou, Ma Wen-Gan, Guo Lei, Zhang Ren-You1211.6813 (Ayuki Kamada et al.)
Opening the window to the cogenesis with Affleck-Dine mechanism in
gravity mediation [PDF]
Ayuki Kamada, Masahiro Kawasaki, Masaki Yamada
1211.6818 (Emilio Ciuffoli et al.)
Medium Baseline Reactor Neutrino Experiments with 2 Identical Detectors [PDF]
Emilio Ciuffoli, Jarah Evslin, Zhimin Wang, Changgen Yang, Xinmin Zhang, Weili Zhong1211.6823 (Jung Chang et al.)
Various Models Mimicking the SM Higgs Boson [PDF]
Jung Chang, Kingman Cheung, Po-Yan Tseng, Tzu-Chiang Yuan1211.6912 (Thomas Lang et al.)
Heavy quark transport in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC within the
UrQMD transport model [PDF]
Thomas Lang, Hendrik van Hees, Jan Steinheimer, Marcus Bleicher
1211.6927 (Stephen Angus et al.)
Soft Supersymmetry Breaking in Anisotropic LARGE Volume
Compactifications [PDF]
Stephen Angus, Joseph P. Conlon
1211.6947 (Chen Chen et al.)
On the decoupling of mirror fermions [PDF]
Chen Chen, Joel Giedt, Erich Poppitz1211.6953 (Martin Holthausen et al.)
CP and Discrete Flavour Symmetries [PDF]
Martin Holthausen, Manfred Lindner, Michael A. Schmidt1211.6961 (E. A. Kuraev et al.)
Coulomb Correction to the Screening Angle of the Moliere Multiple
Scattering Theory [PDF]
E. A. Kuraev, O. O. Voskresenskaya, A. V. Tarasov
1211.6987 (H. K. Dreiner et al.)
General NMSSM signatures at the LHC [PDF]
H. K. Dreiner, F. Staub, A. Vicente1211.6992 (Mathieu Tartare et al.)
Influence of the photonuclear effect on electron-neutrino-induced
electromagnetic cascades under the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal regime in
standard rock [PDF]
Mathieu Tartare, Didier Lebrun, François Montanet
1211.6998 (D. Rönchen et al.)
Coupled-channel dynamics in the reactions piN --> piN, etaN, KLambda,
KSigma [PDF]
D. Rönchen, M. Döring, F. Huang, H. Haberzettl, J. Haidenbauer, C. Hanhart, S. Krewald, U. -G. Meißner, K. Nakayama
1211.7004 (C. Hidalgo-Duque et al.)
Heavy Quark Spin Symmetry and SU(3)-Flavour Partners of the X(3872) [PDF]
C. Hidalgo-Duque, J. Nieves, M. Pavón Valderrama1211.7006 (Masato Arai et al.)
LHC sensitivity to Kalzua-Klein gluon in two b-jets decay channel [PDF]
Masato Arai, Gi-Chol Cho, Karel Smolek, Kyoko Yoneyama1211.7015 (Diptimoy Ghosh et al.)
Looking for an Invisible Higgs Signal at the LHC [PDF]
Diptimoy Ghosh, Rohini Godbole, Monoranjan Guchait, Kirtimaan Mohan, Dipan Sengupta1211.7038 (Jason Gallicchio et al.)
Quark and Gluon Jet Substructure [PDF]
Jason Gallicchio, Matthew D. Schwartz1211.7049 (Simone Alioli et al.)
Combining Higher-Order Resummation with Multiple NLO Calculations and
Parton Showers in GENEVA [PDF]
Simone Alioli, Christian W. Bauer, Calvin J. Berggren, Andrew Hornig, Frank J. Tackmann, Christopher K. Vermilion, Jonathan R. Walsh, Saba Zuberi
1211.7051 (D. C. Duarte et al.)
Non-perturbative description of self-interacting charged scalar field at
finite temperature and in the presence of an external magnetic field [PDF]
D. C. Duarte, R. L. S. Farias, R. O. Ramos
Thursday, November 29, 2012
1211.6106 (Can Kilic et al.)
Cornering Light Stops with Dileptonic mT2 [PDF]
Can Kilic, Brock Tweedie1211.6428 (Jose R. Espinosa et al.)
Yukawa hierarchies from spontaneous breaking of the $\bma{SU(3)_L\times
SU(3)_R}$ flavour symmetry? [PDF]
Jose R. Espinosa, Chee Sheng Fong, Enrico Nardi
1211.6447 (Tao Han et al.)
Lepton Number Violation and W' Chiral Couplings at the LHC [PDF]
Tao Han, Ian Lewis, Richard Ruiz, Zong-guo Si1211.6453 (Tobias Hurth et al.)
New physics search with flavour in the LHC era [PDF]
Tobias Hurth, Farvah Mahmoudi1211.6479 (Hyung Do Kim et al.)
Neutrino Assisted Gauge Mediation [PDF]
Hyung Do Kim, Doh Young Mo, Min-Seok Seo1211.6495 (Eigo Shintani et al.)
Chiral symmetry breaking in lattice brane QED model [PDF]
Eigo Shintani, Tetsuya Onogi1211.6506 (Gui-Jun Ding et al.)
Bi-large Neutrino Mixing and Abelian Flavor Symmetry [PDF]
Gui-Jun Ding, S. Morisi, J. W. F. Valle1211.6516 (Masahiro Kawasaki et al.)
Smooth hybrid inflation in a supersymmetric axion model [PDF]
Masahiro Kawasaki, Naoya Kitajima, Kazunori Nakayama1211.6529 (Anamaría Font et al.)
Non-perturbative effects and Yukawa hierarchies in F-theory SU(5)
Unification [PDF]
Anamaría Font, Luis E. Ibáñez, Fernando Marchesano, Diego Regalado
1211.6559 (Maik Höschele et al.)
Higgs boson production at the LHC: NNLO partonic cross sections through
order $ε$ and convolutions with splitting functions to N$^3$LO [PDF]
Maik Höschele, Jens Hoff, Alexey Pak, Matthias Steinhauser, Takahiro Ueda
1211.6568 (M. A. Andreichikov et al.)
Asymptotic freedom in strong magnetic field [PDF]
M. A. Andreichikov, V. D. Orlovsky, Yu. A. Simonov1211.6577 (C. McNeile et al.)
Direct determination of the strange and light quark condensates from
full lattice QCD [PDF]
C. McNeile, A. Bazavov, C. T. H. Davies, R. J. Dowdall, K. Hornbostel, G. P. Lepage, H. D. Trottier
1211.6651 (Yasumichi Aoki et al.)
Low energy spectra in many flavor QCD with Nf=12 and 16 [PDF]
Yasumichi Aoki, Tatsumi Aoyama, Masafumi Kurachi, Toshihide Maskawa, Kei-ichi Nagai, Hiroshi Ohki, Akihiro Shibata, Koichi Yamawaki, Takeshi Yamazaki1211.6665 (A. A. Andrianov et al.)
Spontaneous parity violation in extreme conditions: an effective
lagrangian analysis [PDF]
A. A. Andrianov, V. A. Andrianov, D. Espriu
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
1211.6119 (A. Barroso et al.)
Evading death by vacuum [PDF]
A. Barroso, P. M. Ferreira, I. P. Ivanov, Rui Santos, João P. Silva1211.6125 (Daniel Arean et al.)
V-QCD: Spectra, the dilaton and the S-parameter [PDF]
Daniel Arean, Ioannis Iatrakis, Matti Jarvinen, Elias Kiritsis1211.6136 (Marcela Carena et al.)
Vacuum Stability and Higgs Diphoton Decays in the MSSM [PDF]
Marcela Carena, Stefania Gori, Ian Low, Nausheen R. Shah, Carlos E. M. Wagner1211.6164 (Zoltan Fodor et al.)
The sextet gauge model, light Higgs, and the dilaton [PDF]
Zoltan Fodor, Kieran Holland, Julius Kuti, Daniel Nogradi, Chris Schroeder, Chik Him Wong1211.6180 (JLQCD Collaboration et al.)
Chiral behavior of kaon semileptonic form factors in lattice QCD with
exact chiral symmetry [PDF]
JLQCD Collaboration, T. Kaneko, S. Aoki, G. Cossu, X. Feng, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, J. Noaki, T. Onogi
1211.6241 (Keisuke Harigaya et al.)
Chaotic Inflation with a Fractional Power-Law Potential in Strongly
Coupled Gauge Theories [PDF]
Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe, Kai Schmitz, Tsutomu T. Yanagida
1211.6245 (Dmitri E. Kharzeev et al.)
"Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields": an overview [PDF]
Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Karl Landsteiner, Andreas Schmitt, Ho-Ung Yee1211.6247 (Mu-Chun Chen et al.)
Supersymmetric unification and R symmetries [PDF]
Mu-Chun Chen, Maximilian Fallbacher, Michael Ratz1211.6277 (S. Basak et al.)
Charm and strange hadron spectra from overlap fermions on HISQ gauge
configurations [PDF]
S. Basak, S. Datta, M. Padmanath, P. Majumdar, N. Mathur
1211.6285 (Sang-Ho Kim et al.)
K*Sigma photoproduction off the proton target with baryon resonances [PDF]
Sang-Ho Kim, Seung-il Nam, Atsushi Hosaka, Hyun-Chul Kim1211.6289 (Altan Cakir et al.)
Searches for SUSY in events with third-generation particles at CMS [PDF]
Altan Cakir, on behalf of the CMS Collaboration1211.6294 (Lorce Cedric et al.)
Accessing the quark orbital angular momentum with Wigner distributions [PDF]
Lorce Cedric, Barbara Pasquini1211.6316 (Stefano Actis et al.)
Recursive generation of one-loop amplitudes in the Standard Model [PDF]
Stefano Actis, Ansgar Denner, Lars Hofer, Andreas Scharf, Sandro Uccirati1211.6332 (G. Chachamis et al.)
Bootstrap and momentum transfer dependence in small x evolution
equations [PDF]
G. Chachamis, A. Sabio Vera, C. Salas
1211.6352 (P. A. Sturrock et al.)
An Analysis of Apparent r-Mode Oscillations in Solar Activity, the Solar
Diameter, the Solar Neutrino Flux, and Nuclear Decay Rates, with Implications
Concerning the Solar Internal Structure and Rotation, and Neutrino Processes [PDF]
P. A. Sturrock, L. Bertello, E. Fischbach, D. Javorsek II, J. H. Jenkins, A. Kosovichev, A. G. Parkhomov
1211.6373 (Wayne W. Repko et al.)
Two-loop Static QCD Potential in Heavy Quarkonia [PDF]
Wayne W. Repko, Marco D. Santia, Stanley F. Radford1211.6387 (Fabrizio Caola et al.)
A complete next-to-leading order QCD description of resonant $Z'$
production and decay into $t\bar t$ final states [PDF]
Fabrizio Caola, Kirill Melnikov, Markus Schulze
1211.6394 (Tanumoy Mandal et al.)
Probing Color Octet Electrons at the LHC [PDF]
Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra1211.6408 (Manuel Meyer et al.)
The effect of photon-axion-like particle conversions in galaxy clusters
on very high energy γ-ray spectra [PDF]
Manuel Meyer, Dieter Horns, Luca Maccione, Alessandro Mirizzi, Daniele Montanino, Marco Roncadelli
1211.6412 (Jean-Paul Blaizot et al.)
Effect of quark masses on the QCD presssure in a strong magnetic
background [PDF]
Jean-Paul Blaizot, Eduardo S. Fraga, Leticia F. Palhares
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
1108.5654 (B. Z. Kopeliovich et al.)
Nonperturbative features of the axial current [PDF]
B. Z. Kopeliovich, Ivan Schmidt, M. Siddikov1109.6641 (Emilio Ciuffoli et al.)
Neutrino Dispersion Relations from a Dark Energy Model [PDF]
Emilio Ciuffoli, Jarah Evslin, Jie Liu, Xinmin Zhang1211.5599 (L. Basso et al.)
The role of charge and spin asymmetries in profiling Z'-> tt events [PDF]
L. Basso, K. Mimasu, S. Moretti1211.5609 (Emilian Dudas et al.)
Low Scale Supersymmetry Breaking and its LHC Signatures [PDF]
Emilian Dudas, Christoffer Petersson, Pantelis Tziveloglou1211.5637 (Kazunari Shima et al.)
Chiral Symmetry and Exact Classical Solution of Nonlinear SUSY Model [PDF]
Kazunari Shima, Motomu Tsuda, Takeshi Okano1211.5650 (Jun Tao et al.)
Homogeneous Field and WKB Approximation In Deformed Quantum Mechanics
with Minimal Length [PDF]
Jun Tao, Peng Wang, Haitang Yang
1211.5662 (Yuta Hamada et al.)
Cosmological constraints on spontaneous R-symmetry breaking models [PDF]
Yuta Hamada, Kohei Kamada, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Yutaka Ookouchi1211.5663 (Andrea De Simone et al.)
A First Top Partner's Hunter Guide [PDF]
Andrea De Simone, Oleksii Matsedonskyi, Riccardo Rattazzi, Andrea Wulzer1211.5684 (J. R. Cudell et al.)
The nuclear physics of OHe [PDF]
J. R. Cudell, M. Khlopov, Q. Wallemacq1211.5785 (Michael Gronau et al.)
Rescattering Contributions to rare B-Meson Decays [PDF]
Michael Gronau, David London, Jonathan L. Rosner1211.5824 (T. Mizutani et al.)
Faddeev-Chiral Unitary Approach to the $K^- d$ scattering length [PDF]
T. Mizutani, C. Fayard, B. Saghai, K. Tsushima1211.5841 (Laszlo Jenkovszky et al.)
Low missing mass, single- and double diffraction dissociation at the LHC [PDF]
Laszlo Jenkovszky, Oleg Kuprash, Risto Orava, Andrii Salii1211.5853 (M. Burkardt et al.)
Pion momentum distributions in the nucleon in chiral effective theory [PDF]
M. Burkardt, K. S. Hendricks, Chueng-Ryong Ji, W. Melnitchouk, A. W. Thomas1211.5883 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)
Electroweak phase transition and Higgs boson couplings in the model
based on supersymmetric strong dynamics [PDF]
Shinya Kanemura, Eibun Senaha, Tetsuo Shindou, Toshifumi Yamada
1211.5915 (Antonio Mariano et al.)
CMB Maximum Temperature Asymmetry Axis: Alignment with Other Cosmic
Asymmetries [PDF]
Antonio Mariano, Leandros Perivolaropoulos
1211.6029 (Mayumi Aoki et al.)
Radiative corrections to the Higgs boson couplings in the triplet model [PDF]
Mayumi Aoki, Shinya Kanemura, Mariko Kikuchi, Kei Yagyu1211.6041 (I. Ya. Arefeva et al.)
On Holographic Thermalization and Dethermalization of Quark-Gluon Plasma [PDF]
I. Ya. Arefeva, I. V. Volovich1211.6053 (J. Peralta Ramos et al.)
$η(T)/s (T)$ and collective flow in chiral hydrodynamics [PDF]
J. Peralta Ramos, G. Krein1211.6058 (Long-Bin Chen et al.)
Reconstructing the 125 GeV SM Higgs Boson Through $\ell\bar{\ell}γ$ [PDF]
Long-Bin Chen, Cong-Feng Qiao, Rui-Lin Zhu1211.6095 (Walter D. Goldberger et al.)
Black hole mass dynamics and renormalization group evolution [PDF]
Walter D. Goldberger, Andreas Ross, Ira Z. RothsteinMonday, November 26, 2012
1011.0260 (Junji Hisano et al.)
Charge-breaking constraints on left-right mixing of stau's [PDF]
Junji Hisano, Shohei Sugiyama1106.1106 (Nestor Armesto et al.)
Comparison of Jet Quenching Formalisms for a Quark-Gluon Plasma "Brick" [PDF]
Nestor Armesto, Brian Cole, Charles Gale, William A. Horowitz, Peter Jacobs, Sangyong Jeon, Marco van Leeuwen, Abhijit Majumder, Berndt Muller, Guang-You Qin, Carlos A. Salgado, Bjorn Schenke, Marta Verweij, Xin-Nian Wang, Urs Achim Wiedemann1108.0892 (David F. Mota et al.)
Evolution of the Chameleon Scalar Field in the Early Universe [PDF]
David F. Mota, Camilla A. O. Schelpe1112.6149 (Juan P. Beltran Almeida et al.)
The Suyama-Yamaguchi consistency relation in the presence of vector
fields [PDF]
Juan P. Beltran Almeida, Yeinzon Rodriguez, Cesar A. Valenzuela-Toledo
1211.5142 (Richard D. Ball et al.)
Parton Distribution Benchmarking with LHC Data [PDF]
Richard D. Ball, Stefano Carrazza, Luigi Del Debbio, Stefano Forte, Jun Gao, Nathan Hartland, Joey Huston, Pavel Nadolsky, Juan Rojo, Daniel Stump, Robert S. Thorne, C. -P. Yuan1211.5143 (Martin Holthausen et al.)
Lepton Flavour at the Electroweak Scale: A Complete A4 Model [PDF]
Martin Holthausen, Manfred Lindner, Michael A. Schmidt1211.5144 (Karin Dissauer et al.)
A SEχy Model with 125 GeV Higgs and Magnetic Dark Matter [PDF]
Karin Dissauer, Mads T. Frandsen, Tuomas Hapola, Francesco Sannino1211.5154 (Guillaume Chalons et al.)
Neutralino dark matter and the Fermi gamma-ray lines [PDF]
Guillaume Chalons, Matthew J. Dolan, Christopher McCabe1211.5168 (D. Boubaa et al.)
Predictions for $B \to τ\barμ + μ\barτ $ [PDF]
D. Boubaa, A. Datta, M. Duraisamy, S. Khalil1211.5199 (A. Bolozdynya et al.)
Opportunities for Neutrino Physics at the Spallation Neutron Source: A
White Paper [PDF]
A. Bolozdynya, F. Cavanna, Y. Efremenko, G. T. Garvey, V. Gudkov, A. Hatzikoutelis, W. R. Hix, W. C. Louis, J. M. Link, D. M. Markoff, G. B. Mills, K. Patton, H. Ray, K. Scholberg, R. G. Van de Water, C. Virtue, D. H. White, S. Yen, J. Yoo
1211.5228 (Kaori Fuyuto et al.)
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Induced by the Strangeness Revisited [PDF]
Kaori Fuyuto, Junji Hisano, Natsumi Nagata1211.5305 (Michal Praszalowicz et al.)
Quantitative Study of Geometrical Scaling in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Michal Praszalowicz, Tomasz Stebel
1211.5314 (D. Ibañez et al.)
Gluon mass generation in the massless bound-state formalism [PDF]
D. Ibañez, J. Papavassiliou1211.5317 (Mikel Berasaluce-González et al.)
Zp charged branes in flux compactifications [PDF]
Mikel Berasaluce-González, Pablo G. Cámara, Fernando Marchesano, Ángel M. Uranga1211.5332 (Takuya Kanazawa et al.)
Banks-Casher-type relation for the BCS gap at high density [PDF]
Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, Naoki Yamamoto1211.5349 (Benjamin D. Callen et al.)
Solutions for Intersecting Domain Walls with Internal Structure in Six
Dimensions from a Z_2 x Z_2-invariant Action [PDF]
Benjamin D. Callen, Raymond R. Volkas
1211.5362 (Yoshimasa Hidaka et al.)
Some exact results on the QCD critical point [PDF]
Yoshimasa Hidaka, Naoki Yamamoto1211.5370 (Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas et al.)
UV completions of flavour models and large theta_{13} [PDF]
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, Daniel Pidt1211.5373 (S. A. Smolyansky et al.)
Photon cluster excitation mechanism in a e-e+ plasma created from vacuum
by a strong electromagnetic field [PDF]
S. A. Smolyansky, D. B. Blaschke, V. V. Dmitriev, B. Kaempfer, A. V. Prozorkevich, S. M. Schmidt, A. V. Tarakanov
1211.5403 (John D. Barrow et al.)
Cosmologies in Horndeski's second-order vector-tensor theory [PDF]
John D. Barrow, Mikjel Thorsrud, Kei Yamamoto1211.5409 (Ki-Young Choi et al.)
Dark matter asymmetry in supersymmetric Dirac leptogenesis [PDF]
Ki-Young Choi, Eung Jin Chun, Chang Sub Shin1211.5411 (Naoyuki Haba et al.)
QCD parity violation at LHC in warped extra dimension [PDF]
Naoyuki Haba, Kunio Kaneta, Soshi Tsuno1211.5429 (Francisco Campanario et al.)
ZZ+jet production via gluon fusion at the LHC [PDF]
Francisco Campanario, Qiang Li, Michael Rauch, Michael Spira1211.5470 (L. Basso et al.)
Z' signals in polarised top-antitop final states at the LHC [PDF]
L. Basso, K. Mimasu, S. Moretti1211.5474 (J. Carbonell et al.)
Three different approaches to the same interaction: the Yukawa model in
nuclear physics [PDF]
J. Carbonell, F. de Soto, V. A. Karmanov
1211.5486 (Guillermo Garcia Alcaine et al.)
Radiation reaction on a classical charged particle: a new equation of
motion [PDF]
Guillermo Garcia Alcaine, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
1211.5505 (L. M. Abreu et al.)
Exotic Behavior of Heavy-Flavored Meson Matter [PDF]
L. M. Abreu, E. S. Nery, R. Rodrigues da Silva1211.5537 (Harald Dorn et al.)
Conformal geometry of null hexagons for Wilson loops and scattering
amplitudes [PDF]
Harald Dorn, Hagen Münkler, Christian Spielvogel
1211.5539 (M. A. Nefedov et al.)
Drell-Yan lepton pair production at high energies in the Parton
Reggeization Approach [PDF]
M. A. Nefedov, N. N. Nikolaev, V. A. Saleev
1211.5560 (Ferruccio Feruglio et al.)
Lepton Mixing Parameters from Discrete and CP Symmetries [PDF]
Ferruccio Feruglio, Claudia Hagedorn, Robert Ziegler1211.5584 (S. Bobrovskyi et al.)
Long-lived higgsinos as probes of gravitino dark matter at the LHC [PDF]
S. Bobrovskyi, J. Hajer, S. RydbeckThursday, November 22, 2012
1110.5248 (Hidenori S. Fukano et al.)
Strong dynamics, minimal flavor and $R_b$ [PDF]
Hidenori S. Fukano, Kimmo Tuominen1112.0963 (Hidenori S. Fukano et al.)
Constraining on dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking via R_b [PDF]
Hidenori S. Fukano, Kimmo Tuominen1211.3709 (Erhard Seiler et al.)
Gauge cooling in complex Langevin for QCD with heavy quarks [PDF]
Erhard Seiler, Dénes Sexty, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu1211.4678 (Amjad Ashoorioon et al.)
Implications of purely classical gravity for inflationary tensor modes [PDF]
Amjad Ashoorioon, P. S. Bhupal Dev, Anupam Mazumdar1211.4873 (Clifford Cheung et al.)
Prospects and Blind Spots for Neutralino Dark Matter [PDF]
Clifford Cheung, Lawrence J. Hall, David Pinner, Joshua T. Ruderman1211.4904 (Atsushi Fukumi et al.)
Neutrino Spectroscopy with Atoms and Molecules [PDF]
Atsushi Fukumi, Susumu Kuma, Yuki Miyamoto, Kyo Nakajima, Itsuo Nakano, Hajime Nanjo, Chiaki Ohae, Noboru Sasao, Minoru Tanaka, Takashi Taniguchi, Satoshi Uetake, Tomonari Wakabayashi, Takuya Yamaguchi, Akihiro Yoshimi, Motohiko Yoshimura1211.4921 (Masahiro Kawasaki et al.)
Hubble-induced mass from MSSM plasma [PDF]
Masahiro Kawasaki, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tomohiro Takesako1211.4937 (Zurab Berezhiani et al.)
BBN with light dark matter [PDF]
Zurab Berezhiani, Aleksander Dolgov, Igor Tkachev1211.4942 (Hayata Tomoya et al.)
Time-dependent Heavy-Quark Potential at Finite Temperature from
Gauge/Gravity Duality [PDF]
Hayata Tomoya, Nawa Kanabu, Hatsuda Tetsuo
1211.4947 (M. Rafi Alam et al.)
Charged lepton induced one kaon production off the nucleon [PDF]
M. Rafi Alam, I. Ruiz Simo, M. Sajjad Athar, M. J. Vicente Vacas1211.4981 (Herbert Dreiner et al.)
Exploring QCD uncertainties when setting limits on compressed SUSY
spectra [PDF]
Herbert Dreiner, Michael Krämer, Jamie Tattersall
1211.4989 (Audrey Degee et al.)
Geometric minimization of highly symmetric potentials [PDF]
Audrey Degee, Igor P. Ivanov, Venus Keus1211.5007 (Ning Li et al.)
Coupled-channel analysis of the possible $D^{(*)}D^{(*)}$,
$\bar{B}^{(*)}\bar{B}^{(*)}$ and $D^{(*)}\bar{B}^{(*)}$ molecular states [PDF]
Ning Li, Zhi-Feng Sun, Xiang Liu, Shi-Lin Zhu
1211.5011 (E. V. Arbuzova et al.)
Curvature Oscillations in Modified Gravity and High Energy Cosmic Rays [PDF]
E. V. Arbuzova, A. D. Dolgov, L. Reverberi1211.5015 (Lukas Altenkamp et al.)
Gluon-induced Higgs-strahlung at next-to-leading order QCD [PDF]
Lukas Altenkamp, Stefan Dittmaier, Robert V. Harlander, Heidi Rzehak, Tom J. E. Zirke1211.5028 (Kari Enqvist et al.)
Curvaton Decay by Resonant Production of the Standard Model Higgs [PDF]
Kari Enqvist, Daniel G. Figueroa, Rose N. Lerner1211.5048 (Isabella Bierenbaum et al.)
Tree-Loop Duality Relation beyond simple poles [PDF]
Isabella Bierenbaum, Sebastian Buchta, Petros Draggiotis, Ioannis Malamos, German Rodrigo1211.5061 (U. Kaya et al.)
Probing small x(g) region with the LHeC based gamma-p colliders [PDF]
U. Kaya, S. Sultansoy, G. Unel1211.5074 (Stephen F. King et al.)
Natural NMSSM Higgs Bosons [PDF]
Stephen F. King, Margarete Muhlleitner, Roman Nevzorov, Kathrin Walz1211.5078 (Ansgar Denner et al.)
Electroweak corrections to monojet production at the LHC [PDF]
Ansgar Denner, Stefan Dittmaier, Tobias Kasprzik, Alexander Mück1211.5085 (Riccardo Barbieri et al.)
A 125 GeV composite Higgs boson versus flavour and electroweak precision
tests [PDF]
Riccardo Barbieri, Dario Buttazzo, Filippo Sala, David M. Straub, Andrea Tesi
1211.5102 (J. L. Abelleira Fernandez et al.)
On the Relation of the LHeC and the LHC [PDF]
J. L. Abelleira Fernandez, C. Adolphsen, P. Adzic, A. N. Akay, H. Aksakal, J. L. Albacete, B. Allanach, S. Alekhin, P. Allport, V. Andreev, R. B. Appleby, E. Arikan, N. Armesto, G. Azuelos, M. Bai, D. Barber, J. Bartels, O. Behnke, J. Behr, A. S. Belyaev, I. Ben-Zvi, N. Bernard, S. Bertolucci, S. Bettoni, S. Biswal, J. Blümlein, H. Böttcher, A. Bogacz, C. Bracco, J. Bracinik, G. Brandt, H. Braun, S. Brodsky, O. Brüning, E. Bulyak, A. Buniatyan, H. Burkhardt, I. T. Cakir, O. Cakir, R. Calaga, A. Caldwell, V. Cetinkaya, V. Chekelian, E. Ciapala, R. Ciftci, A. K. Ciftci, B. A. Cole, J. C. Collins, O. Dadoun, J. Dainton, A. De. Roeck, D. d'Enterria, P. DiNezza, A. Dudarev, A. Eide, R. Enberg, E. Eroglu, K. J. Eskola, L. Favart, M. Fitterer, S. Forte, A. Gaddi, P. Gambino, H. García Morales, T. Gehrmann, P. Gladkikh, C. Glasman, A. Glazov, R. Godbole, B. Goddard, T. Greenshaw, A. Guffanti, V. Guzey, C. Gwenlan, T. Han, Y. Hao, F. Haug, W. Herr, A. Hervé, B. J. Holzer, M. Ishitsuka, M. Jacquet, B. Jeanneret, E. Jensen, J. M. Jimenez, J. M. Jowett, H. Jung, H. Karadeniz, D. Kayran, A. Kilic, K. Kimura, R. Klees, M. Klein, U. Klein, T. Kluge, F. Kocak, M. Korostelev, A. Kosmicki, P. Kostka, H. Kowalski, M. Kraemer, G. Kramer, D. Kuchler, M. Kuze, T. Lappi, P. Laycock, E. Levichev, S. Levonian, V. N. Litvinenko, A. Lombardi, J. Maeda, C. Marquet, B. Mellado, K. H. Mess, A. Milanese, J. G. Milhano, S. Moch, I. I. Morozov, Y. Muttoni, S. Myers, S. Nandi, Z. Nergiz, P. R. Newman, T. Omori, J. Osborne, E. Paoloni, Y. Papaphilippou, C. Pascaud, H. Paukkunen, E. Perez, T. Pieloni, E. Pilicer, B. Pire, R. Placakyte, A. Polini, V. Ptitsyn, Y. Pupkov, V. Radescu, S. Raychaudhuri, L. Rinolfi, E. Rizvi, R. Rohini, J. Rojo, S. Russenschuck, M. Sahin, C. A. Salgado, K. Sampei, R. Sassot, E. Sauvan, M. Schaefer, U. Schneekloth, T. Schörner-Sadenius, D. Schulte, A. Senol, A. Seryi, P. Sievers, A. N. Skrinsky, W. Smith, D. South, H. Spiesberger, A. M. Stasto, M. Strikman, M. Sullivan, S. Sultansoy, Y. P. Sun, B. Surrow, L. Szymanowski, P. Taels, I. Tapan, T. Tasci, E. Tassi, H. Ten. Kate, J. Terron, H. Thiesen, L. Thompson, P. Thompson, K. Tokushuku, R. Tomás García, D. Tommasini, D. Trbojevic, N. Tsoupas, J. Tuckmantel, S. Turkoz, T. N. Trinh, K. Tywoniuk, G. Unel, T. Ullrich, J. Urakawa, P. VanMechelen, A. Variola, R. Veness, A. Vivoli, P. Vobly, J. Wagner, R. Wallny, S. Wallon, G. Watt, C. Weiss, U. A. Wiedemann, U. Wienands, F. Willeke, B. -W. Xiao, V. Yakimenko, A. F. Zarnecki, Z. Zhang, F. Zimmermann, R. Zlebcik, F. Zomer1211.5127 (William Detmold et al.)
Form factors for $Λ_b \to Λ$ transitions from lattice QCD [PDF]
William Detmold, C. -J. David Lin, Stefan Meinel, Matthew Wingate1211.5129 (Giorgio Arcadi et al.)
Dark matter signals at the LHC: forecasts from ton-scale direct
detection experiments [PDF]
Giorgio Arcadi, Riccardo Catena, Piero Ullio
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
1107.5941 (Abhijit Bhattacharyya et al.)
Study of Beta Equilibrated 2+1 Flavor Quark Matter in PNJL Model [PDF]
Abhijit Bhattacharyya, Sanjay K. Ghosh, Sarbani Majumder, Rajarshi Ray1211.4573 (Mathias Garny et al.)
On the spin-dependent sensitivity of XENON100 [PDF]
Mathias Garny, Alejandro Ibarra, Miguel Pato, Stefan Vogl1211.4580 (Tyler Corbett et al.)
Robust Determination of the Higgs Couplings: Power to the Data [PDF]
Tyler Corbett, O. J. P. Eboli, J. Gonzalez-Fraile, M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia1211.4581 (Martín González-Alonso et al.)
Leptophobic Z' Boson and Parity-Violating eD Scattering [PDF]
Martín González-Alonso, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf1211.4648 (Joseph Meyers et al.)
Spin Zero Glueballs in the Bethe-Salpeter Formalism [PDF]
Joseph Meyers, Eric S. Swanson1211.4653 (Mingmei Xu et al.)
Investigation on the contribution of the particle mass to the
interaction measure [PDF]
Mingmei Xu, Meiling Yu, Yuanfang Wu
1211.4676 (Takeo Moroi et al.)
Enhanced Higgs Mass in a Gaugino Mediation Model without the Polonyi
Problem [PDF]
Takeo Moroi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki
1211.4685 (Yasaman Farzan et al.)
Natural explanation for 130 GeV photon line within vector boson dark
matter model [PDF]
Yasaman Farzan, Amin Rezaei Akbarieh
1211.4703 (Kenji Morita et al.)
Net baryon number probability distribution near the chiral phase
transition [PDF]
Kenji Morita, Vladimir Skokov, Bengt Friman, Krzysztof Redlich
1211.4716 (Wolfgang Lucha et al.)
Exact Solutions of Bethe-Salpeter Equations with Instantaneous
Interactions [PDF]
Wolfgang Lucha, Franz F. Schoberl
1211.4743 (Shinta Kasuya et al.)
Revisiting the gravitino dark matter and baryon asymmetry from Q-ball
decay in gauge mediation [PDF]
Shinta Kasuya, Masahiro Kawasaki, Masaki Yamada
1211.4749 (E. G. Ferreiro et al.)
J/ψ and ψ' production in proton(deuteron)-nucleus collisions:
lessons from RHIC for the proton-lead LHC run [PDF]
E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, J. P. Lansberg, A. Rakotozafindrabe
1211.4827 (Leif Lonnblad et al.)
Unitarising Matrix Element + Parton Shower merging [PDF]
Leif Lonnblad, Stefan Prestel1211.4835 (Diogo Buarque Franzosi et al.)
Effective field theory approach to the Higgs lineshape [PDF]
Diogo Buarque Franzosi, Fabio Maltoni, Cen ZhangTuesday, November 20, 2012
1102.0398 (Song Mao et al.)
QCD corrections to $J/ψ$ plus $Z^0$-boson production at the LHC [PDF]
Song Mao, Ma Wen-Gan, Li Gang, Zhang Ren-You, Guo Lei1110.2943 (Alexander Stoffers et al.)
Holographic Jets in an Expanding Plasma [PDF]
Alexander Stoffers, Ismail Zahed1207.0222 (Markus Q. Huber et al.)
Two- and three-point functions in two-dimensional Landau-gauge
Yang-Mills theory: Continuum results [PDF]
Markus Q. Huber, Axel Maas, Lorenz von Smekal
1211.4025 (Zhenyu Han et al.)
Boosting Searches for Natural SUSY with RPV via Gluino Cascades [PDF]
Zhenyu Han, Andrey Katz, Minho Son, Brock Tweedie1211.4034 (Giacomo Cacciapaglia et al.)
Heavy Vector-like quark with charge 5/3 at the LHC [PDF]
Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Aldo Deandrea, Stephane Perries, Viola Sordini, Luca Panizzi1211.4045 (Maxim Eingorn et al.)
Dynamics of astrophysical objects against the cosmological background [PDF]
Maxim Eingorn, Alexandra Kudinova, Alexander Zhuk1211.4057 (B. J. Wundt et al.)
Quantum dynamics in atomic-fountain experiments for measuring the
electric dipole moment of the electron with improved sensitivity [PDF]
B. J. Wundt, C. T. Munger, U. D. Jentschura
1211.4075 (Sudhansu S. Biswal et al.)
Probing chromomagnetic and chromoelectric couplings of the top quark
using its polarization in pair production at hadron colliders [PDF]
Sudhansu S. Biswal, Saurabh D. Rindani, Pankaj Sharma
1211.4265 (Michael I. Eides et al.)
Light-by-Light Scattering Single-Logarithmic Corrections to Hyperfine
Splitting in Muonium [PDF]
Michael I. Eides, Valery A. Shelyuto
1211.4288 (David Berenstein et al.)
Multiple b-jets reveal natural SUSY and the 125 GeV Higgs [PDF]
David Berenstein, Tao Liu, Erik Perkins1211.4297 (Michael J. Fromerth et al.)
From Quark-Gluon Universe to Neutrino Decoupling: 200 [ PDF]
Michael J. Fromerth, Inga Kuznetsova, Lance Labun, Jean Letessier, Jan Rafelski
1211.4316 (Gauhar Abbas et al.)
Perturbative expansion of the QCD Adler function improved by
renormalization-group summation and analytic continuation in the Borel plane [PDF]
Gauhar Abbas, B. Ananthanarayan, Irinel Caprini, Jan Fischer
1211.4317 (Hiroyuki Abe et al.)
Phenomenological aspects of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra
dimensions [PDF]
Hiroyuki Abe, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ohki, Akane Oikawa, Keigo Sumita
1211.4359 (Oscar Castillo-Felisola et al.)
Phenomenological Constraints to Dimensionality of the Spacetime with
Torsion [PDF]
Oscar Castillo-Felisola, Cristobal Corral, Ivan Schmidt, Alfonso Zerwekh
1211.4362 (Pankaj Agrawal et al.)
Effect of Anomalous Couplings on the Associated Production of a Single
Top Quark and a Higgs Boson at the LHC [PDF]
Pankaj Agrawal, Subhadip Mitra, Ambresh Shivaji
1211.4386 (V. Pervushin et al.)
Condensate mechanism of conformal symmetry breaking [PDF]
V. Pervushin, A. Arbuzov, B. Barbashov, A. Cherny, A. Dorokhov, A. Borowiec, R. Nazmitdinov, A. Pavlov, V. Shilin, A. Zakharov1211.4448 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)
Higgs inflation in a radiative seesaw model [PDF]
Shinya Kanemura, Toshinori Matsui, Takehiro Nabeshima1211.4452 (Takeshi Araki et al.)
Partial mass-degeneracy and spontaneous CP violation in the lepton
sector [PDF]
Takeshi Araki, Hiroyuki Ishida
1211.4471 (Jan Luecker et al.)
The phase diagram of N_f=2 and N_f=2+1 QCD from quark and gluon
propagators [PDF]
Jan Luecker, Christian S. Fischer
1211.4497 (Krzysztof Cichy et al.)
Properties of pseudoscalar flavour-singlet mesons from 2+1+1 twisted
mass lattice QCD [PDF]
Krzysztof Cichy, Vincent Drach, Elena Garcia Ramos, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, Konstantin Ottnad, Carsten Urbach, Falk Zimmermann
1211.4507 (Peter Watson et al.)
Bethe-Salpeter equation at leading order in Coulomb gauge [PDF]
Peter Watson, Hugo Reinhardt1211.4526 (Francesco Riva et al.)
Is the 125 GeV Higgs the superpartner of a neutrino? [PDF]
Francesco Riva, Carla Biggio, Alex PomarolMonday, November 19, 2012
1206.0041 (Stefan Gieseke et al.)
Colour reconnections in Herwig++ [PDF]
Stefan Gieseke, Christian Röhr, Andrzej Siódmok1211.3745 (Aoife Bharucha et al.)
One-loop effects on MSSM parameter determination via chargino production
at the LC [PDF]
Aoife Bharucha, Jan Kalinowski, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Georg Weiglein
1211.3755 (Kiwoon Choi et al.)
Cosmological moduli problem in large volume scenario and thermal
inflation [PDF]
Kiwoon Choi, Wan-Il Park, Chang Sub Shin
1211.3762 (Young-Ho Song et al.)
Nuclear electric dipole moment of three-body system [PDF]
Young-Ho Song, Rimantas Lazauskas, Vladimir Gudkov1211.3765 (S. Heinemeyer et al.)
Finite Theories after the discovery of a Higgs-like boson at the LHC [PDF]
S. Heinemeyer, M. Mondragon, G. Zoupanos1211.3849 (Jung Chang et al.)
Implications on the Heavy CP-even Higgs Boson from Current Higgs Data [PDF]
Jung Chang, Kingman Cheung, Po-Yan Tseng, Tzu-Chiang Yuan1211.3920 (Irene Tamborra et al.)
High-resolution supernova neutrino spectra represented by a simple fit [PDF]
Irene Tamborra, Bernhard Mueller, Lorenz Huedepohl, Hans-Thomas Janka, Georg Raffelt1211.3921 (Jochem Fleischer et al.)
Efficient contraction of 1-loop N-point tensor integrals [PDF]
Jochem Fleischer, Janusz Gluza, Marek Gluza, Tord Riemann, Radomir Sevillano1211.4003 (Simon Dalley et al.)
Optimizing Polar Angle Asymmetry Observables at Colliders [PDF]
Simon Dalley, Santosh Adhikari, Pavel Nadolsky1211.4004 (A. Arbey et al.)
An update on the constraints on the phenomenological MSSM from the new
LHC Higgs results [PDF]
A. Arbey, M. Battaglia, A. Djouadi, F. Mahmoudi
1211.4008 (Yoonseok John Chae et al.)
Dark Matter Search at a Linear Collider: Effective Operator Approach [PDF]
Yoonseok John Chae, Maxim PerelsteinFriday, November 16, 2012
1211.3417 (Tristan L. Smith et al.)
An improved estimator for non-Gaussianity in cosmic microwave background
observations [PDF]
Tristan L. Smith, Daniel Grin, Marc Kamionkowski
1211.3449 (Hooman Davoudiasl et al.)
Electroweak Phase Transition, Higgs Diphoton Rate, and New Heavy
Fermions [PDF]
Hooman Davoudiasl, Ian Lewis, Eduardo Ponton
1211.3535 (Keisuke Harigaya et al.)
Non-Gaussianity from Attractor Curvaton [PDF]
Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe, Masahiro Kawasaki, Tsutomu T. Yanagida1211.3578 (Zhan-Wei Liu et al.)
Chiral Perturbation Theory and the $\bar B \bar B$ Strong Interaction [PDF]
Zhan-Wei Liu, Ning Li, Shi-Lin Zhu1211.3580 (Aleksandra Drozd et al.)
Two-Higgs-Doublet Models and Enhanced Rates for a 125 GeV Higgs [PDF]
Aleksandra Drozd, Bohdan Grzadkowski, John F. Gunion, Yun Jiang1211.3582 (Yu. S. Surovtsev et al.)
Can parameters of f_0-mesons be determined correctly analyzing only
pion-pion scattering? [PDF]
Yu. S. Surovtsev, P. Bydzovsky, R. Kaminski, V. E. Lyubovitskij, M. Nagy
1211.3600 (M. Ablikim et al.)
Search for $η$ and $η^\prime\to π^+ e^- \barν_e +c.c.$
decays in $\jpsi \to φη$ and $φη^\prime$ [PDF]
M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, O. Albayrak, D. J. Ambrose, F. F. An, Q. An, J. Z. Bai, Y. Ban, J. Becker, J. V. Bennett, M. BertaniA, J. M. Bian, E. Boger, O. Bondarenko, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, V. Bytev, X. Cai, O. CakirA, A. CalcaterraA, G. F. Cao, S. A. CetinB, J. F. Chang, G. Chelkov, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, J. C. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, X. Chen, Y. B. Chen, H. P. Cheng, Y. P. Chu, D. Cronin-Hennessy, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, D. Dedovich, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. DestefanisA, C, W. M. Ding, Y. Ding, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, S. X. Du, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, L. FavaB, C, C. Q. Feng, R. B. FerroliA, P. Friedel, C. D. Fu, Y. Gao, C. Geng, K. Goetzen, W. X. Gong, W. Gradl, M. GrecoA, C, M. H. Gu, Y. T. Gu, Y. H. Guan, A. Q. Guo, L. B. Guo, T. Guo, Y. P. Guo, Y. L. Han, F. A. Harris, K. L. He, M. He, Z. Y. He, T. Held, Y. K. Heng, Z. L. Hou, C. Hu, H. M. Hu, J. F. Hu, T. Hu, G. M. Huang, G. S. Huang, J. S. Huang, L. Huang, X. T. Huang, Y. Huang, Y. P. Huang, T. Hussain, C. S. Ji, Q. Ji, Q. P. Ji, X. B. Ji, X. L. Ji, L. L. Jiang, X. S. Jiang, J. B. Jiao, Z. Jiao, D. P. Jin, S. Jin, F. F. Jing, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M. Kavatsyuk, B. Kopf, M. Kornicer, W. Kuehn, W. Lai, J. S. Lange, M. Leyhe, C. H. Li, Cheng Li, Cui Li, D. M. Li, F. Li, G. Li, H. B. Li, J. C. Li, K. Li, Lei Li, Q. J. Li, S. L. Li, W. D. Li, W. G. Li, X. L. Li, X. N. Li, X. Q. Li, X. R. Li, Z. B. Li, H. Liang, Y. F. Liang, Y. T. Liang, G. R. Liao, X. T. Liao, D. Lin, B. J. Liu, C. L. Liu, C. X. Liu, F. H. Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, H. Liu, H. B. Liu, H. H. Liu, H. M. Liu, H. W. Liu, J. P. Liu, K. Liu, K. Y. Liu, Kai Liu, P. L. Liu, Q. Liu, S. B. Liu, X. Liu, Y. B. Liu, Z. A. Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiqing Liu, H. Loehner, G. R. Lu, H. J. Lu, J. G. Lu, Q. W. Lu, X. R. Lu, Y. P. Lu, C. L. Luo, M. X. Luo, T. Luo, X. L. Luo, M. Lv, C. L. Ma, F. C. Ma, H. L. Ma, Q. M. Ma, S. Ma, T. Ma, X. Y. Ma, F. E. Maas, M. MaggioraA, C, Q. A. Malik, Y. J. Mao, Z. P. Mao, J. G. Messchendorp, J. Min, T. J. Min, R. E. Mitchell, X. H. Mo, C. Morales Morales, N. Yu. Muchnoi, H. Muramatsu, Y. Nefedov, C. Nicholson, I. B. Nikolaev, Z. Ning, S. L. Olsen, Q. Ouyang, S. PacettiB, J. W. Park, M. Pelizaeus, H. P. Peng, K. Peters, J. L. Ping, R. G. Ping, R. Poling, E. Prencipe, M. Qi, S. Qian, C. F. Qiao, L. Q. Qin, X. S. Qin, Y. Qin, Z. H. Qin, J. F. Qiu, K. H. Rashid, G. Rong, X. D. Ruan, A. Sarantsev, B. D. Schaefer, M. Shao, C. P. Shen, X. Y. Shen, H. Y. Sheng, M. R. Shepherd, X. Y. Song, S. SpataroA, C, B. Spruck, D. H. Sun, G. X. Sun, J. F. Sun, S. S. Sun, Y. J. Sun, Y. Z. Sun, Z. J. Sun, Z. T. Sun, C. J. Tang, X. Tang, I. TapanC, E. H. Thorndike, D. Toth, M. Ullrich, G. S. Varner, B. Q. Wang, D. Wang, D. Y. Wang, K. Wang, L. L. Wang, L. S. Wang, M. Wang, P. Wang, P. L. Wang, Q. J. Wang, S. G. Wang, X. F. Wang, X. L. Wang, Y. F. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. G. Wang, Z. Y. Wang, D. H. Wei, J. B. Wei, P. Weidenkaff, Q. G. Wen, S. P. Wen, M. Werner, U. Wiedner, L. H. Wu, N. Wu, S. X. Wu, W. Wu, Z. Wu, L. G. Xia, Z. J. Xiao, Y. G. Xie, Q. L. Xiu, G. F. Xu, G. M. Xu, Q. J. Xu, Q. N. Xu, X. P. Xu, Z. R. Xu, F. Xue, Z. Xue, L. Yan, W. B. Yan, Y. H. Yan, H. X. Yang, Y. Yang, Y. X. Yang, H. Ye, M. Ye, M. H. Ye, B. X. Yu, C. X. Yu, H. W. Yu, J. S. Yu, S. P. Yu, C. Z. Yuan, Y. Yuan, A. A. Zafar, A. ZalloA, Y. Zeng, B. X. Zhang, B. Y. Zhang, C. Zhang, C. C. Zhang, D. H. Zhang, H. H. Zhang, H. Y. Zhang, J. Q. Zhang, J. W. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, J. Z. Zhang, R. Zhang, S. H. Zhang, X. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Z. P. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, Zhenghao Zhang, G. Zhao, H. S. Zhao, J. W. Zhao, K. X. Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M. G. Zhao, Q. Zhao, Q. Z. Zhao, S. J. Zhao, T. C. Zhao, Y. B. Zhao, Z. G. Zhao, A. Zhemchugov, B. Zheng, J. P. Zheng, Y. H. Zheng, B. Zhong, Z. Zhong, L. Zhou, X. K. Zhou, X. R. Zhou, C. Zhu, K. Zhu, K. J. Zhu, S. H. Zhu, X. L. Zhu, Y. C. Zhu, Y. M. Zhu, Y. S. Zhu, Z. A. Zhu, J. Zhuang, B. S. Zou, J. H. Zou
1211.3656 (Tiago Nunes da Silva et al.)
The strong coupling regime of twelve flavors QCD [PDF]
Tiago Nunes da Silva, Elisabetta Pallante1211.3658 (Jessica Frank et al.)
Spin-2 Resonances in Vector-Boson-Fusion Processes at NLO QCD [PDF]
Jessica Frank, Michael Rauch, Dieter Zeppenfeld1211.3734 (Gudrun Hiller et al.)
SU(3)-Flavor Anatomy of Non-Leptonic Charm Decays [PDF]
Gudrun Hiller, Martin Jung, Stefan Schacht1211.3736 (Marco Farina et al.)
Lifting degeneracies in Higgs couplings using single top production in
association with a Higgs boson [PDF]
Marco Farina, Christophe Grojean, Fabio Maltoni, Ennio Salvioni, Andrea Thamm
Thursday, November 15, 2012
1108.4424 (Konstantinos Dimopoulos et al.)
Statistical Anisotropy from Vector Curvaton in D-brane Inflation [PDF]
Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Danielle Wills, Ivonne Zavala1111.4994 (Yunjie Huo et al.)
The Superluminal Neutrinos from Deformed Lorentz Invariance [PDF]
Yunjie Huo, Tianjun Li, Yi Liao, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Yonghui Qi, Fei Wang1211.3121 (Yuval Grossman et al.)
Neutralino Oscillations at the LHC [PDF]
Yuval Grossman, Bibhushan Shakya, Yuhsin Tsai1211.3131 (P. M. Ferreira et al.)
Mass-degenerate Higgs bosons at 125 GeV in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model [PDF]
P. M. Ferreira, Howard E. Haber, Rui Santos, Joao P. Silva1211.3132 (Hsi-Ming Chang et al.)
Double Parton Correlations in the Bag Model [PDF]
Hsi-Ming Chang, Aneesh V. Manohar, Wouter J. Waalewijn1211.3134 (Aoife Bharucha et al.)
Consistent on shell renormalisation of electroweakinos in the complex
MSSM: LHC and LC predictions [PDF]
Aoife Bharucha, Alison Fowler, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Georg Weiglein
1211.3140 (Davison E. Soper et al.)
Finding top quarks with shower deconstruction [PDF]
Davison E. Soper, Michael Spannowsky1211.3152 (Peter Millington et al.)
Perturbative Non-Equilibrium Thermal Field Theory [PDF]
Peter Millington, Apostolos Pilaftsis1211.3153 (Tommy Ohlsson et al.)
Radiative corrections to the leptonic Dirac CP-violating phase [PDF]
Tommy Ohlsson, He Zhang, Shun Zhou1211.3177 (Pradipta Ghosh et al.)
Displaced multileptons at the LHC -- probing a 125 GeV new boson in
$μν$SSM [PDF]
Pradipta Ghosh, Daniel E. Lopez-Fogliani, Vasiliki A. Mitsou, Carlos Munoz, Roberto Ruiz de Austri
1211.3198 (Yijia Zhang et al.)
Quark-lepton complementarity and self-complementarity in different
schemes [PDF]
Yijia Zhang, Xinyi Zhang, Bo-Qiang Ma
1211.3214 (Konstantin G. Savvidy et al.)
Direct Dark Matter Detection - A spin 3/2 WIMP candidate [PDF]
Konstantin G. Savvidy, J. D. Vergados1211.3260 (Yoshio Kitadono et al.)
Spin analyzing power for polarized top decays with jets [PDF]
Yoshio Kitadono, Hsiang-nan Li1211.3333 (Federico Alberto Ceccopieri et al.)
QCD analysis of Lambda hyperon production in DIS target-fragmentation
region [PDF]
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri, Davide Mancusi
1211.3352 (D. A. Fagundes et al.)
Reply to "Commentary on "Total Hadronic Cross Section Data and the
Froissart-Martin Bound", by Fagundes, Menon and Silva" [PDF]
D. A. Fagundes, M. J. Menon, P. V. R. G. Silva
1211.3357 (A. D. Martin et al.)
The LHC can probe small x PDFs; the treatment of the infrared region [PDF]
A. D. Martin, E. G. de Oliveira, M. G. Ryskin1211.3361 (Yuval Grossman et al.)
SU(3) Sum Rules for Charm Decay [PDF]
Yuval Grossman, Dean J Robinson1211.3370 (J. I. Kapusta et al.)
Hydrodynamic noise and Bjorken expansion [PDF]
J. I. Kapusta, B. Müller, M. Stephanov1211.3389 (Alejandro H. Córsico et al.)
An independent limit on the axion mass from the variable white dwarf
star R548 [PDF]
Alejandro H. Córsico, Leandro G. Althaus, Alejandra D. Romero, Anjum S. Mukadam, Enrique García--Berro, Jordi Isern, S. O. Kepler, Mariela A. Corti
1211.3408 (Pietro Falgari et al.)
Finite-width effects on threshold corrections to squark and gluino
production [PDF]
Pietro Falgari, Christian Schwinn, Christopher Wever
1211.3410 (Ciaran Doolin et al.)
Cosmology of a FLRW 3-brane, late-time cosmic acceleration, and the
cosmic coincidence [PDF]
Ciaran Doolin, Ishwaree P. Neupane
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
1211.2258 (A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo et al.)
Low Mass WIMP Searches with a Neutrino Experiment: A Proposal for
Further MiniBooNE Running [PDF]
A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo, B. Batell, R. Cooper, P. deNiverville, R. Dharmapalan, Z. Djurcic, R. Ford, F. G. Garcia, G. T. Garvey, J. Grange, S. Habib, W. Huelsnitz, C. Jiang, R. A. Johnson, W. Ketchum, T. Kobilarcik, W. C. Louis, W. Marsh, D. McKeen, G. B. Mills, J. Mirabal, C. D. Moore, P. Nienaber, Z. Pavlovic, D. Perevalov, C. C. Polly, M. Pospelov, H. Ray, A. Ritz, B. P. Roe, I. Stancu, R. Tayloe R. Van de Water, D. A. Wickremasinghe
1211.2811 (Gregory Soyez et al.)
Pileup subtraction for jet shapes [PDF]
Gregory Soyez, Gavin P. Salam, Jihun Kim, Souvik Dutta, Matteo Cacciari1211.2818 (A. Liam Fitzpatrick et al.)
Model Independent Direct Detection Analyses [PDF]
A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Wick Haxton, Emanuel Katz, Nicholas Lubbers, Yiming Xu1211.2826 (D. Dutta et al.)
Color Transparency: past, present and future [PDF]
D. Dutta, K. Hafidi, M. Strikman1211.2829 (B. El-Bennich et al.)
A combined study of the pion's static properties and form factors [PDF]
B. El-Bennich, J. P. B. C. de Melo, T. Frederico1211.2835 (Kai Schmidt-Hoberg et al.)
Enhanced diphoton rates at Fermi and the LHC [PDF]
Kai Schmidt-Hoberg, Florian Staub, Martin Wolfgang Winkler1211.2837 (Miha Nemevsek et al.)
Left-Right Symmetry: from Majorana to Dirac [PDF]
Miha Nemevsek, Goran Senjanovic, Vladimir Tello1211.2868 (Nemanja Kaloper et al.)
Topological Ghosts: the Teeming of the Shrews [PDF]
Nemanja Kaloper, McCullen Sandora1211.2918 (Yoshitaka Hatta et al.)
Twist-three relations of gluonic correlators for the transversely
polarized nucleon [PDF]
Yoshitaka Hatta, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Shinsuke Yoshida
1211.2971 (Minoru Eto et al.)
Brane Realization of Nambu Monopoles and Electroweak Strings [PDF]
Minoru Eto, Kenichi Konishi, Muneto Nitta, Yutaka Ookouchi1211.2997 (Zhao-Huan Yu et al.)
Detecting light stop pairs in coannihilation scenarios at the LHC [PDF]
Zhao-Huan Yu, Xiao-Jun Bi, Qi-Shu Yan, Peng-Fei Yin1211.3011 (Jeppe R. Andersen et al.)
Polishing a shiny Higgs with matrix elements [PDF]
Jeppe R. Andersen, Christoph Englert, Michael Spannowsky1211.3014 (P. V. Buividovich et al.)
Lattice studies of magnetic phenomena in heavy-ion collisions [PDF]
P. V. Buividovich, M. I. Polikarpov, O. V. Teryaev1211.3018 (Theodore J. Yoder et al.)
Higher order corrections to the hydrogen spectrum from the
Standard-Model Extension [PDF]
Theodore J. Yoder, Gregory S. Adkins
1211.3048 (Tobias Toll et al.)
Exclusive diffractive processes in electron-ion collisions [PDF]
Tobias Toll, Thomas Ullrich1211.3052 (A. Abada et al.)
Tree-level lepton universality violation in the presence of sterile
neutrinos: impact for $R_K$ and $R_π$ [PDF]
A. Abada, D. Das, A. M. Teixeira, A. Vicente, C. Weiland
1211.3057 (Andre Sternbeck et al.)
Lattice evidence for the family of decoupling solutions of Landau gauge
Yang-Mills theory [PDF]
Andre Sternbeck, Michael Müller-Preussker
1211.3068 (John Ellis et al.)
Prima Facie Evidence against Spin-Two Higgs Impostors [PDF]
John Ellis, Veronica Sanz, Tevong You1211.3077 (Alexander Stoffers et al.)
Holographic Pomeron and Entropy [PDF]
Alexander Stoffers, Ismail Zahed1211.3079 (Patrick Gonzalez et al.)
Heavy MSSM Higgs production at the LHC and decays to WW,ZZ at higher
orders [PDF]
Patrick Gonzalez, Sophy Palmer, Martin Wiebusch, Karina Williams
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
1106.1165 (Tianjun Li et al.)
The Race for Supersymmetric Dark Matter at XENON100 and the LHC: Stringy
Correlations from No-Scale F-SU(5) [PDF]
Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker
1211.2254 (Herbert Dreiner et al.)
Illuminating Dark Matter at the ILC [PDF]
Herbert Dreiner, Moritz Huck, Michael Krämer, Daniel Schmeier, Jamie Tattersall1211.2256 (G. G. Barnafoldi et al.)
Predictions for p+Pb at 5.02A TeV to test initial state nuclear
shadowing at the Large Hadron Collider [PDF]
G. G. Barnafoldi, J. Barrette, M. Gyulassy, P. Levai, M. Petrovici, V. Topor Pop
1211.2272 (M. C. Ruivo et al.)
Effects of entanglement and instanton suppression at finite T in a SU(2)
EPNJL model with anomaly [PDF]
M. C. Ruivo, Pedro Costa, C. A. de Sousa
1211.2281 (Pol Bernard Gossiaux et al.)
Heavy quark quenching from RHIC to LHC and the consequences of gluon
damping [PDF]
Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Marlene Nahrgang, Marcus Bluhm, Thierry Gousset, Joerg Aichelin
1211.2282 (Akira Ohnishi et al.)
Auxiliary field Monte-Carlo study of the QCD phase diagram at strong
coupling [PDF]
Akira Ohnishi, Terukazu Ichihara, Takashi Z. Nakano
1211.2305 (Iain W. Stewart et al.)
Combining Fixed-Order Helicity Amplitudes With Resummation Using SCET [PDF]
Iain W. Stewart, Frank J. Tackmann, Wouter J. Waalewijn1211.2371 (Kazunori Kohri et al.)
PBH from the inflating curvaton [PDF]
Kazunori Kohri, Chia-Min Lin, Tomohiro Matsuda1211.2427 (Jiwei Ke et al.)
Revisit to Non-decoupling MSSM [PDF]
Jiwei Ke, Hui Luo, Ming-xing Luo, Kai Wang, Liucheng Wang, Guohuai Zhu1211.2433 (Giorgio Torrieri et al.)
Phenomenology of quarkyonic percolation at FAIR [PDF]
Giorgio Torrieri, Stefano Lottini1211.2449 (Brian Batell et al.)
Singlet Assisted Vacuum Stability and the Higgs to Diphoton Rate [PDF]
Brian Batell, Sunghoon Jung, Hyun Min Lee1211.2499 (Kazuo Ghoroku et al.)
Holographic cold nuclear matter as dilute instanton gas [PDF]
Kazuo Ghoroku, Kouki Kubo, Motoi Tachibana, Tomoki Taminato, Fumihiko Toyoda1211.2504 (Xu Feng et al.)
The neutral pion decay and the chiral anomaly on the lattice [PDF]
Xu Feng, Sinya Aoki, Hidenori Fukaya, Shoji Hashimoto, Takashi Kaneko, Jun-ichi Noaki, Eigo Shintani1211.2506 (H. Nagahiro et al.)
Formation of eta-prime(958)-mesic nuclei by (p,d) reaction [PDF]
H. Nagahiro, D. Jido, H. Fujioka, K. Itahashi, S. Hirenzaki1211.2545 (Olga Suvorova et al.)
Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-proton cross-sections from the neutrino
experiment at the Baksan Underground Scintillator Telescope [PDF]
Olga Suvorova, Musabi Boliev, Sergei Demidov, Stanislav Mikheyev
1211.2617 (R. Kaminski et al.)
Precise determination of the f0(500) and f0(980) parameters in
dispersive analysis of the pipi data [PDF]
R. Kaminski, R. Garcia-Martin, J. R. Pelaez, J. Ruiz de Elvira
1211.2639 (Nicolas Bernal et al.)
Observing Higgs boson production through its decay into gamma-rays: A
messenger for Dark Matter candidates [PDF]
Nicolas Bernal, Celine Boehm, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz, Joseph Silk, Takashi Toma
1211.2642 (S. Alekhin et al.)
Statistical issues in the parton distribution analysis of the Tevatron
jet data [PDF]
S. Alekhin, J. Bluemlein, S. -O. Moch
1211.2657 (José Guilherme Milhano)
Theoretical overview of jet quenching [PDF]
José Guilherme Milhano1211.2710 (Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder et al.)
Double Virtual corrections for gluon scattering at NNLO [PDF]
Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder, Thomas Gehrmann, E. W. N. Glover, Joao Pires1211.2769 (Tina Kahniashvili et al.)
Constraining primordial magnetic fields through large scale structure [PDF]
Tina Kahniashvili, Yurii Maravin, Aravind Natarajan, Nicholas Battaglia, Alexander G. Tevzadze1211.2794 (F. Mahmoudi et al.)
Implications of LHC Higgs and SUSY searches for MSSM [PDF]
F. Mahmoudi, A. Arbey, M. Battaglia, A. Djouadi1211.2795 (F. Mahmoudi et al.)
Light neutralino dark matter in MSSM [PDF]
F. Mahmoudi, A. Arbey, M. BattagliaMonday, November 12, 2012
1211.1974 (Ilias Cholis et al.)
On The Origin of IceCube's PeV Neutrinos [PDF]
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper1211.1976 (Wolfgang Altmannshofer et al.)
Indirect Probes of the MSSM after the Higgs Discovery [PDF]
Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Marcela Carena, Nausheen Shah, Felix Yu1211.1980 (Ayres Freitas et al.)
Higgs CP Properties From Early LHC Data [PDF]
Ayres Freitas, Pedro Schwaller1211.1981 (Matthew W. Cahill-Rowley et al.)
More Energy, More Searches, but the pMSSM Lives On [PDF]
Matthew W. Cahill-Rowley, JoAnne L. Hewett, Ahmed Ismail, Thomas G. Rizzo1211.2000 (R. Krishnan et al.)
Simplest Neutrino Mixing from S4 Symmetry [PDF]
R. Krishnan, P. F. Harrison, W. G. Scott1211.2040 (A. K. Chaudhuri et al.)
Even-by-event hydrodynamical simulations for $\sqrt{s}_{NN}$=200 GeV
Au+Au collisions and the correlation between flow coefficients and initial
asymmetry measures [PDF]
A. K. Chaudhuri, Md. Rihan Haque, Victor Roy, Bedangadas Mohanty
1211.2050 (G. Chachamis et al.)
Forward jet production and quantum corrections to the gluon Regge
trajectory from Lipatov's high energy effective action [PDF]
G. Chachamis, M. Hentschinski, J. D. Madrigal Martinez, A. Sabio Vera
1211.2056 (A. Sh. Gaitinov et al.)
Investigation of density structure of pseudorapidity fluctuations in
interactions of Au 10.7 AGeV and Pb 158 AGeV nuclei with photoemulsion nuclei
by Hurst method [PDF]
A. Sh. Gaitinov, P. B. Kharchevnikov, I. A. Lebedev, A. I. Lebedeva
1211.2074 (P. Garg et al.)
Unfolding of event-by-event net-charge distributions in heavy-ion
collision [PDF]
P. Garg, D. K. Mishra, P. K. Netrakanti, A. K. Mohanty, B. Mohanty
1211.2114 (Christoffer Petersson et al.)
Liberating Higgs couplings in supersymmetry [PDF]
Christoffer Petersson, Alberto Romagnoni, Riccardo Torre1211.2130 (Ilkka Helenius et al.)
EPS09s and EKS98s: Impact parameter dependent nPDF sets [PDF]
Ilkka Helenius, Kari J. Eskola, Heli Honkanen, Carlos A. Salgado1211.2140 (T. Frossard et al.)
Systematic approach to thermal leptogenesis [PDF]
T. Frossard, M. Garny, A. Hohenegger, A. Kartavtsev, D. Mitrouskas1211.2148 (Xiao-Gang Wu et al.)
Understanding the property of $η(1405/1475)$ in the $J/ψ$
radiative decay [PDF]
Xiao-Gang Wu, Jia-Jun Wu, Qiang Zhao, Bing-Song Zou
1211.2154 (Elena Giusarma et al.)
Testing standard and non-standard neutrino physics with cosmological
data [PDF]
Elena Giusarma, Roland de Putter, Olga Mena
1211.2165 (Marc Wagner et al.)
Definitions of a static SU(2) color triplet potential [PDF]
Marc Wagner, Owe Philipsen
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