Monday, November 19, 2012

1211.3849 (Jung Chang et al.)

Implications on the Heavy CP-even Higgs Boson from Current Higgs Data    [PDF]

Jung Chang, Kingman Cheung, Po-Yan Tseng, Tzu-Chiang Yuan
The current Large Hadron Collider data indicates that the newly observed resonance has the $WW$ and $ZZ$ modes consistent with the standard model Higgs boson, while the $\gamma\gamma$ mode is about $1.2 - 2$ times that of the standard model prediction and the tau-pair mode is suppressed. If this pattern persists in the upcoming data, it would be a sign for physics beyond the standard model. In the type II two-Higgs-doublet model, it is the region where $\sin\alpha \approx 0$ and a moderately large $\tan\beta = 10 - 20$ that the lighter CP-even Higgs boson can accommodate the current data. We note that in this region the heavier CP-even Higgs boson must have a large decay branching ratio into tau pairs. We find that this heavier Higgs boson can be observable in the associated production with a $b\bar b$ pair and through the decay into a tau pair.
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