Thursday, October 25, 2012

1210.6351 (Sophia K. Domokos et al.)

Successes and Failures of a More Comprehensive Hard Wall AdS/QCD    [PDF]

Sophia K. Domokos, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Andrew B. Royston
We explore corrections to the "hard wall" gravity dual of QCD with two-form tensor fields. These fields correspond to a dimension three quark bilinear in QCD, which generates states with 1(--) and 1(+-) quantum numbers, or omega/rho-like and h1/b1-like mesons, respectively. We include new interaction terms, which render the model complete up to dimension six. We find that breaking chiral symmetry induces modifications to the spectrum, by mixing the vector current and the new two-tensor operator. This breaks the degeneracy of the 1(--) and 1(+-) spectra. We also compute the (b1->omega + pi) decay rate and D/S ratio, and the couplings of excited rho states to two pions. We then perform a comprehensive new fit to QCD data. We obtain a value for the magnetic susceptibility of the QCD quark condensate which is consistent with phenomenological estimates. These results allow us to evaluate the success of dimension counting and UV matching in this model.
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