Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1202.4448 (Gordon Kane et al.)

Discovering Gluino Events at LHC-8 via Disappearing Chargino Tracks    [PDF]

Gordon Kane, Ran Lu, Bob Zheng
In this note, we advocate a new method for identifying gluino pair production
events at the LHC. The method is motivated by and works for theories with heavy
squarks and Wino-like LSPs (with nearly degenerate LSP and chargino). Such
theories are well motivated and their gluinos typically have a O(50%) branching
ratio to charged Winos. Observing the track of a long lived charged Wino
produced from gluino decay could give a clear identification of a gluino event.
Charged Wino NLSPs produced in colliders can be long-lived enough to leave a
reconstructable high pT charged track before decaying into a soft pion (or a
soft lepton) and the LSP, a signature with low SM background. By supplementing
the canonical gluino search strategy with a search for these stiff chargino
tracks, our results suggest it will be possible to find gluinos with
significantly less luminosity. In addition, we describe a procedure for
obtaining a kinematic measurement of the gluino mass using the three momenta of
the reconstructed chargino tracks. With measurements of the gluino mass and
cross section, it will be possible to determine the gluino spin, and confirm
that the excess events are indeed due to a spin 1/2 superpartner. It may also
be possible to use these stiff Wino tracks to obtain an approximate measurement
of the chargino mass, and therefore the LSP (dark matter) mass.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.4448

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