Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1304.2601 (N. Matagne et al.)

The $[{\bf 70, \ell^+}]$ baryons in large $N_c$ QCD revisited. The
effect on Regge trajectories

N. Matagne, Fl. Stancu
A simple procedure within the $1/N_c$ expansion method where all the $N_c$ quarks are treated on the same footing has been found successful in describing mixed symmetric negative parity baryon states belonging to the $[{\bf 70},\ell^-]$ multiplets %with $\ell$ = 1, 2 or 3. of the $N$ = 1 and 3 bands. Presently it is applied to mixed symmetric positive parity $[{\bf 70},0^+]$ and $[{\bf 70},2^+]$ multiplets of the $N$ = 2 band. We search for the most dominant terms in the mass formula. The results are compared to those obtained in the procedure where the system is separated into a core and an excited quark. We find that both the spin and isospin operators of the entire system of $N_c$ quarks play dominant roles in describing the data, like for negative parity states. As a by-product we present the contribution of the leading spin-isospin singlet term as a function of the band number, which hints at distinct Regge trajectories for the symmetric and mixed symmetric states.
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