Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.4603 (Nicusor Arsene et al.)

Back-to-Back Black Holes decay Signature at Neutrino Observatories    [PDF]

Nicusor Arsene, Xavier Calmet, Lauretiu Ioan Caramete, Octavian Micu
We propose a decay signature for non-thermal small black holes with masses in the TeV range which can be discovered by neutrino observatories. The black holes would result due to the impact between ultra high energy neutrinos with nuclei in water or ice and decay instantaneously. They could be produced if the Planck scale is in the few TeV region and the highly energetic fluxes are large enough. Having masses close to the Planck scale, the typical decay mode for these black holes is into two particles emitted back-to-back. For a certain range of angles between the emitted particles and the center of mass direction of motion, it is possible for the detectors to measure separate muons having specific energies and their trajectories oriented at a large enough angle to prove that they are the result of a back-to-back decay event.
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