Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1307.2365 (Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik)

Properties of twice four families of quarks and leptons, of scalars and
gauge fields as predicted by the spin-charge-family theory

Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik
The spin-charge-family theory, proposed by the author as a possible new way to explain the assumptions of the standard model, predicts at the low energy regime two decoupled groups of four families of quarks and leptons. In two successive breaks the massless families, first the group of four and at the second break the rest four families, gain nonzero mass matrices. The families are identical with respect to the charges and spin. There are two kinds of fields in this theory, which manifest at low energies as the gauge vector and scalar fields: the fields which couple to the charges and spin, and the fields which couple to the family quantum numbers. In loop corrections to the tree level mass matrices both kinds start to contribute coherently. The fourth family of the lower group of four families is predicted to be possibly observed at the LHC and the stable of the higher four families -- the fifth family -- is the candidate to constitute the dark matter. Properties of the families of quarks and leptons and of the scalar and gauge fields, before and after each of the two successive breaks, bringing masses to fermions and to boson fields are analysed and relations among coherent contributions of the loop corrections to fermion properties discussed, including the one which enables the existence of the Majorana neutrinos. The relation of the scalar fields and mass matrices following from the {\em spin-charge-family} theory to the {\it standard model} Yukawa couplings and Higgs is discussed. Although effectively the scalar fields manifest as Higgs and Yukawas, measurements of the scalar fields do not coincide with the measurement of the Higgs.
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