Wednesday, June 12, 2013

1306.2343 (Marco Arroyo et al.)

Flavor Violating Higgs signals in the Texturized Two-Higgs Doublet Model

Marco Arroyo, J. Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz, Enrique Diaz, Javier A. Orduz-Ducuara
We study the phenomena of flavor violation, and its implications for Higgs signals, within the context of the Two-Higgs doublet model with Textures (2HDM-Tx). Unlike previous works, where the set of Yukawa matrices are assumed to have the same form (parallel textures), we study combinations of Yukawa matrices with different textures (complementary textures) that produce a hermitian mass matrix with a specific four-zero texture type. In this case, the size of Flavor Violation depends on the parameters tan beta(= v_2/v_1) and gamma (0 < gamma < 1), that appears in the relation between the top mass and the 33 entry of the mass matrix. We find that in order to satisfy current experimental bounds from K-K mixing, B_s -> mu^+ mu^- and tau -> mu mu mu, only restricted values of gamma and tan beta are allowed. Furthermore, we also study the constraints that arise from imposing current LHC bounds on the Higgs boson couplings. The predictions of our study include the Flavor Violating decays (h -> tau mu) and t -> c h, which reach Branching ratios that could be tested at the LHC in the coming era of precision Flavor Higgs physics.
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