Qi-Li Liao, Xing-Gang Wu, Jun Jiang, Gu Chen, Zhen-Yun Fang
The production of the heavy charmonium and $(c\bar{b})$-quarkonium, through the top quark semi-exclusive decays via the flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC), has been systematically studied within the non-relativistic QCD. In different to the conventional squared amplitude approach, to simplify the results as much as possible, we adopt the `improved trace technology' to do our calculation, which deals with the hard scattering directly at the amplitude level. If assuming the higher excited heavy-quarkonium states, such as the color-singlet and spin-triplet $S$-wave state $|[^3S_1]_{\bf 1}\rangle$, the color-singlet $P$-wave states $|[^1P_1]_{\bf 1}\rangle$ and $|[^3P_J]_{\bf 1}\rangle$ (with $J=0,1,2$), and the two color-octet components $|[^1S_0]_{\bf 8}g\rangle$ and $|[^3S_1]_{\bf 8}g\rangle$, decay to the ground color-singlet and spin-singlet $S$-wave state $|[^1S_0]_{\bf 1}\rangle$ with 100% efficiency via the electromagnetic or hadronic radiations, we obtain the total decay width: $\Gamma_{t\to |(c\bar{c})[^1S_0]_{\bf 1}\rangle} = 171.1^{+147.7}_{-68.8}$ KeV and $\Gamma_{t\to |(c\bar{b})[^1S_0]_{\bf 1}\rangle} =7.32^{+2.49}_{-1.75}$ KeV, where the uncertainties are caused by varying $m_t=172.0\pm4.0$ GeV, $m_b=4.90\pm0.40$ GeV and $m_c=1.50\pm0.25$ GeV. At the LHC with the center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{S}=14$ TeV and a high luminosity ${\cal L}\propto 10^{34}{\rm cm}^{-2}{\rm s}^{-1}$, sizable heavy-quarkonium events can be produced through the top quark decays via FCNC.
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