Thursday, March 28, 2013

1303.6698 (Daisuke Satow)

Diagrammatic and Kinetic Equation Analysis of Ultrasoft Fermionic Sector
in Quark-Gluon Plasma

Daisuke Satow
At so high temperature (T) that the coupling constant (g) is small and the masses of the particles are negligible, different scheme has to be applied in each energy scale in the analysis of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). In the soft energy region (p gT), the simple perturbative expansion called the hard thermal loop (HTL) approximation can be applied, and that approximation expects the existence of the bosonic and fermionic collective excitations called plasmon and plasmino. On the other hand, in the ultrasoft energy region (p g^2T), the HTL approximation is inapplicable due to infrared singularity, so the question whether there are any excitation modes in that energy region has not been studied well. In this thesis, we analyze the quark spectrum whose energy is ultrasoft in QGP, using the resummed perturbation theory which enables us to successfully regularize the infrared singularity. Since the Yukawa model and QED are simpler than QCD but have some similarity to QCD, we also work in these models. As a result, we establish the existence of a novel fermionic mode in the ultrasoft energy region, and obtain the expressions of the pole position and the strength of that mode. We also show that the Ward-Takahashi identity is satisfied in the resummed perturbation theory in QED/QCD. Furthermore, we derive the linearized and generalized Boltzmann equation for the ultrasoft fermion excitations in the Kadanoff-Baym formalism, and show that the resultant equation is equivalent to the self-consistent equation in the resummed perturbation theory. We also derive the equation which determines the n-point functions with external lines for a pair of fermions and (n-2) bosons with ultrasoft momenta, by considering the non-linear response regime using the gauge symmetry. We also derive the Ward-Takahashi identity from the conservation law of the electromagnetic current in the Kadanoff-Baym formalism.
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