Monday, December 17, 2012

1212.3522 (Feng Feng et al.)

FormLink/FeynCalcFormLink : Embedding FORM in Mathematica and FeynCalc    [PDF]

Feng Feng, Rolf Mertig
FORM, a symbolic manipulation system, has been widely used in a lot of calculations for High Energy Physics due to its high performance and fficient design. Mathematica, another computational software program, has also widely been used, but more for reasons of generality and user-friendliness than for speed. Especially calculations involving tensors and noncommutative operations like calculating Dirac traces can be rather slow in Mathematica, compared to FORM. In this article we describe FormLink and FeynCalcFormLink, two Mathematica packages to link Mathematica and FeynCalc with FORM. FormLink can be used without FeynCalc and FeynCalcFormLink, which is an extension loading FormLink and FeynCalc automatically. With these two packages the impressive speed and other special features of FORM get embedded into the generality of Mathematica and FeynCalc in a simple manner. FeynCalcFormLink provides a FORM-based turbo for FeynCalc, making it much more efficient. FormLink turns Mathematica into an editor and code organizer for FORM.
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