Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1210.7568 (Evangelos I. Sfakianakis)

Analysis of Oscillons in the SU(2) Gauged Higgs Model    [PDF]

Evangelos I. Sfakianakis
A stable oscillon was found in the (classical) analysis of the SU(2) gauged Higgs model under a 2:1 ratio between the Higgs and W masses, both analytically and numerically. We extend these results by constructing oscillons for all values of the Higgs mass and examining their stability, finding them to be stable when the Higgs mass is almost equal to twice the W mass. We also investigate the dependence of the oscillon lifetime on the mass of the Higgs, seeing different behavior for different regions of the Higgs mass. Close to the 2:1 mass ratio the interaction of the two fields leads to either a stable oscillon or to its quick decay, based on its amplitude and the exact masses of the fields. Moving further away from this ratio the fields seize to interact and the oscillon disperses. Furthermore, we show that the oscillon lifetime scales quadratically with the small amplitude parameter which is linked to the small amplitude expansion that we use to construct the oscillon. Finally, we list all families of oscillon solutions that can be formally constructed in this model and discuss their properties. The results can be easily extended to other composite oscillons in particle physics and beyond.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.7568

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