Thursday, March 22, 2012

1112.1169 (Abhijit Samanta)

The unification of quark and lepton mixings: favored SUSY spectra for

Abhijit Samanta
The lower bounds on the masses of supersymmetric particles from LHC data and the upper bound on the sum of three active neutrino masses ($\sum_i m_{\nu_i}$) from sky survey data have reached interestingly very strong limits. We show that there exists a correlation between the lower bounds on sparticle masses and the upper bound on $\sum_i m_{\nu_i}$ if there is unification of quark and lepton mixings at the grand unification scale. The lower bounds on sparticle masses increase as the upper bound on $\sum_i m_{\nu_i}$ decreases. For negative $\mu$ (with conventional definition of sign) there is a strong lower bound on $\sum_i m_{\nu_i} \gapp 1$ eV. Surprisingly, on the other hand, for positive $\mu$ if $\sum_i m_{\nu_i}<1$ eV, the bounds on sparticle masses follow the recent LHC result. This upper bound on neutrino mass is strongly favored by the sky survey data and the positive sign of $\mu$ is again preferred by $g-2$ of the muon. Finally, we find that the quark-lepton unification is consistent with present experimental data and it strongly constrains the parameter space of supersymmetry breaking models.
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