Friday, August 31, 2012

1208.6023 (Mustafa Moumni et al.)

Relativistic Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom in Space-Time Non-Commutativity    [PDF]

Mustafa Moumni, Achor BenSlama, Slimane Zaim
We study space-time non-commutativity applied to the hydrogen atom via the Seiberg-Witten map and its phenomenological effects. We find that it modifies the Coulomb potential in the Hamiltonian and add an r-3 part. By calculating the energies from Dirac equation using perturbation theory, we study the modifications to the hydrogen spectrum. We find that it removes the degeneracy with respect to the total angular momentum quantum number and acts like a Lamb shift. Comparing the results with experimental values from spectroscopy, we get a new bound for the space-time non-commutative parameter. N.B: In precedent works (arXiv:0907.1904, arXiv:1003.5732 and arXiv:1006.4590), we have used the Bopp Shift formulation of non-commutativity but here use it \`a la Seiberg-Witten in the Relativistic case.
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