Friday, July 6, 2012

1109.6354 (A. Nicolaidis)

Neutrino Shortcuts in Spacetime    [PDF]

A. Nicolaidis
Theories with large extra dimensions may be tested using sterile neutrinos living in the bulk. A bulk neutrino can mix with a ?a- vor neutrino localized in the brane leading to unconventional patterns of neutrino oscillations. A resonance phenomenon, strong mixing be- tween the ?avor and the sterile neutrino, allows to determine the radius of the large extra dimension. If our brane is curved, then the sterile neutrino can take a shortcut through the bulk, leading to an appar- ent superluminal neutrino speed. The amount of ?superluminality? is directly connected to parameters determining the shape of the brane. On the experimental side, we suggest that a long baseline neutrino beam from CERN to NESTOR neutrino telescope will help to clarify these important issues.
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