A. D. Martin, H. Hoeth, V. A. Khoze, F. Krauss, M. G. Ryskin, K. Zapp
`Soft' high-energy interactions are clearly important in pp collisions. Indeed, these events are dominant by many orders of magnitude, and about 40% are of diffractive origin; that is, due to elastic scattering or proton dissociation. Moreover, soft interactions unavoidably give an underlying component to the rare `hard' events, from which we hope to extract new physics. Here, we discuss how to quantify this contamination. First we present a brief introduction to diffraction. We emphasize the different treatment required for proton dissociation into low- and high-mass systems; the former requiring a multichannel eikonal approach, and the latter the computation of triple-Pomeron diagrams with multi-Pomeron corrections. Then we give an overview of the Pomeron, and explain how the QCD (BFKL-type) Pomeron is the natural object to continue from the `hard' to the `soft' domain. In this way we can obtain a partonic description of soft interactions. We introduce the so-called KMR model, based on this partonic approach, which includes absorptive multi-Pomeron corrections that become increasingly important as we proceed further into the soft domain. This model is able to describe total, elastic and proton dissociation data, and to predict the survival probability of large rapidity gaps to soft rescattering --- in terms of a few physically-motivated parameters. However, more differential phenomena, such as single particle p_t distributions, can only be satisfactorily described if hadronization effects are included. This is achieved by incorporating the KMR analytic approach into the SHERPA Monte Carlo framework. It allows a description of soft physics and diffraction, together with jet physics, in a coherent, self-consistent way. We outline the structure, and show a few results, of this Monte Carlo, which we call SHRiMPS, for reasons which will become clear.
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