Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1206.1002 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)

A light Higgs scenario based on the TeV-scale supersymmetric strong

Shinya Kanemura, Tetsuo Shindou, Toshifumi Yamada
We consider a model based on the supersymmetric QCD theory with N_c=2 and N_f=3. The theory is strongly coupled at the infrared scale \Lambda_H. Its low energy effective theory below \Lambda_H is described by the supersymmetric standard model with the Higgs sector that contains four iso-spin doublets, two neutral iso-spin singlets and two charged iso-spin singlets. If \Lambda_H is at the multi-TeV to 10 TeV, coupling constants for the F-terms of these composite fields are relatively large at the electroweak scale. Nevertheless, the SM-like Higgs boson is predicted to be as light as 125 GeV because these F-terms contribute to the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson not at the tree level but at the one-loop level. A large non-decoupling effect due to these F-terms appears in the one-loop correction to the triple Higgs boson coupling, which amounts to a few tens percent. Such a non-decoupling property in the Higgs potential realizes the strong first order phase transition, which is required for a successful scenario of electroweak baryogenesis.
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