1204.1791 (Chien-Wen Hwang)
Chien-Wen Hwang
We study the wave functions of light and heavy mesons in both hard-wall (HW) and soft-wall (SW) holographic models which use AdS/CFT correspondence. In the case of massless constituents, the asymptotic behaviors of the electromagnetic form factor, the distribution amplitudes, and the decay constants for the two models are the same if the relation between the dilaton scale parameter and the size of meson is an inverse proportion. On the other hand, by introducing a quark mass dependence in the wave function, the differences of the distribution amplitudes between the two models are obvious. In addition, for the SW model, the dependences of the decay constants of meson on the dilaton scale parameter $\kappa$ are not alike, especially $f_{Qq}\sim \kappa^3/m_Q^2$ is consistent with the prediction of the heavy quark effective theory if $\kappa\sim m_Q^{1/2}$. Thus the parameters of the two models are fit by the decay constants of the distinct mesons; the distribution amplitudes and the $\xi$-moments are calculated and compared.
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