Friday, March 23, 2012

1203.5023 (A. Crivellin et al.)

SUSY_FLAVOR v2: a computational tool for FCNC and CP-violating processes
in the MSSM

A. Crivellin, J. Rosiek, P. H. Chankowski, A. Dedes, S. Jaeger, P. Tanedo
We present SUSY_FLAVOR version 2 - a Fortran 77 program that calculates low-energy flavour observables in the general R-parity conserving MSSM. For a set of MSSM parameters as input, the code gives predictions for: 1. Electric dipole moments of the leptons and the neutron. 2. Anomalous magnetic moments (i.e. g-2) of the leptons. 3. Radiative lepton decays (\mu -> e\gamma, \tau -> \mu\gamma, e\gamma). 4. Rare Kaon decays (K^0_L -> \pi^0 \nu\nu, K^+ -> \pi^+ \nu\nu). 5. Leptonic B decays (B_q -> l^+ l^-, B -> \tau \nu, B -> D \tau \nu). 6. Radiative B decays (B -> X_s \gamma). 7. \Delta F=2 processes (K^0--K^0, D--D, B_d-B_d and B_s-B_s mixing). Comparing to SUSY_FLAVOR v1, where the matching conditions were calculated strictly at one-loop level, SUSY_FLAVOR v2 performs the resummation of all chirally enhanced corrections, i.e. takes into account the enhanced effects from tan(\beta) and/or large trilinear soft mixing terms to all orders in perturbation theory. Also, in SUSY_FLAVOR v2 new routines calculating of B -> (D) \tau \nu, g-2, radiative lepton decays and Br(l -> l'\gamma) were added. All calculations are done using exact diagonalization of the sfermion mass matrices. The program can be obtained from
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